While sleeping peacefully a spacial aberration occurs throwing Remi into an unexpected adventure.

Coded with Scratch (and turbo warp for some improvements at the end) for the Acerola Game Jam 0

I had lots of fun making this! I think I treated the first week and a bit like it wasn't a game jam, so in the final weekend and 3 days I had to rush to make this a finished product... I'm ultimately not super happy with the project but I'm happy I made it

There's a lot left to do if I want to one day return to this project and complete the game, on top of all of the additional content I want to make I have the following on my todo list which I didn't complete during the game jam but I wanted to:

Finish Remi's ragdoll animations

Replace the text generation at the beginning and end with some proper title cards

Make the Map Layout much much more varied (currently there are only 5 tiles that randomly spawn haha)

Make the map actually look good (not just black blocks)

Upgrade all graphics to vectors - this was the time consuming task that made me realized I'd committed far too many resources to the game jam already. As I started making the graphics vector so it'd actually look good I realized how much more I had left to do and the asset quality in the rest of the game dropped a lot after that just so I could finish it in time, but that's the fun of a game jam I suppose

If you play my game - thankyou so much. You're a bloody legend and I'm so happy someone gave it a shot, please leave a comment telling me what you think

Specials thanks to my wonderful girlfriend, she gave me so much support love and encouragement on this project and a lot of grace when I suddenly realized I had a little less time for her than I thought haha

My housemates, Gizi and Clark for testing the game a bunch and chatting to me about my ideas

Big Joel - I probably watched 100 hours of Big Joel videos while working on this project and I'll never hear his voice again without thinking of Remi

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